Tuesday, May 18, 2010
By the way the strange one is Victor
I forgot to mention Victor (Below) Aunty Nessa's dog (well i think he's a dog) must post on him later..I just got SO carried away worrying about Momo's lack of backbone,that i totally forgot to metion Victor...I'm still trying to find out what went wrong with him..did he get run over, but it only caught his ears ??..will do more research and post on him later. MoMo is my top priority at the minute..he is a WIMP extrordinaire...must sort him out before i tackle anything else.
I'm back, and Mo is a bigger whoos than ever !!!

Well here i am blogging again, i have been having a really lazy time, Ma was too interested in going out with Aunty Nessa. Mo is an even bigger wooos than before (if thats possible?) Since Ma went mental when he brought a live bird into the house recently, he has been REALLY stupid and bringing home stupid things like... bits of chip wrapping paper !! and 'empty Crisp bags'!!!!! I ask you what a twerp..of course She (Ma) doesn't raise hell about this..so the little tyke thinks he is doing well. I took him into the bushes yesterday and tried to get him to grab a blackbird, he just ran away !!.Now this is going to reflect badly on Moi..IF he doesn't quit acting like a wimp soon, I am after all supposed to be teaching him how to hunt. He even said that Simba..(that weird one i showed you in my last post) was a great guy, and very handsome in the flesh !!!..I felt like banging my head on a wall and biting my paws until they bled, i was just SO frustrated with him.
Have got to think up another strategy to make him more Macho..or i will not be able to hold my head up in the neighborhood soon. I heard scruff, the ginger Tom talking to that stupid Poncy Tabby yesterday..they stopped as i went passed, but i managed to hear, "its the way they are taught, he's losing his touch"..Well i aint losing MY touch baby, i turned and spat at him, and went for them like lightening, they both ran..but IF i dont do something with that Moses soon, folk will think i'm slipping..even Lady smirked at me today..and said, 'i saw Momo with the crisp bag..is that the best you have taught him big boy' ?..she just got a dirty look, i'll sort her out later...but i need to get my thoughts together..and Quick.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Well it looks like he's moved in !!!

Well its raining outside..and HE'S in Here !!in MY bed, where am I,on a dining chair !!! Coz Hes got my radiator bed, I like the warmth too...so i'm on a flippin hard chair by the other smaller radiator !!....Momo is on the Sofa and the two girls are on our bed upstairs.You can see by my face..I AM NOT HAPPY !!...I've got to sort this out,I am after all the leader now..She (ma) is just messing about on the computer, doesn't care that i am disgusted with her for allowing him to take over MY bed..."oh you poor old thing your soaking wet" she says to him.."come on in and have some Milk"..Now I dont mind him been here he's a quite old boy..but not in MY bed, Still he'll be gone again when the rain stops,.. I suppose i could talk to him and recruit him into the gang, Then i can tell him who's the Boss (Moi)and sort out the sleeping arrangements at the same time..Good idea..i'll go and talk to him Now, let you know in my next post what happens..Bailey
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Now what do you make of this fella ??

O.K. guys WHAT do you make of this Dude ??..he's our cousin (well sort of )He is one of Aunty Vanessa's (Ma's daughter) cats...he looks like a lion, suppose thats why they call him Simba !!...Momo is going down with Mom next week so he will see him face to face...MMMmmmm. I have told 'young un' (Momo)to do a lot of research on him..Coz apparently he fancies himself as a bit of a tough guy, and a cool dude...yeah well he aint met me yet!!.
Mo is a bit scared of meeting him..i told him to just look into his eyes and dont show any fear..after all he's only a young un himself (6 months)..but he is a BIG boy apparently..well the bigger they are the harder they fall buddy i told Mo..hope the young un dont go all Wimpy when he meets him.
I've been giving him lessons all afternoon on how to control your fears and maintain an air of superiority, just by the faces you pull and moves you make !!...Its a bit like teaching a parrot to roller skate, but hopefully some of it will have sunk in.
Anyway i'll blog on that when they get back.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Lady on a BAD day ???

This One pic could well be Lady on a bad day !!..she is SO hormonal and makes our lives a misery when she is 'Off on One'..but then she is sweetness and light the next morning. We get these PMT outbursts from her about once every 2-3 months, no wonder we give her a wide berth sometimes, but i have to admit..she does really love Moi..( as you can see in the second picture) but then who could blame her..Bailey signing out X
A couple of Pics of Smokey

Just a Couple of pictures of dear old Smokey,he loved sitting on the dresser, or the widow ledge. The other Pic is Moses (Momo) when he was a 'little un' lying on top of Smoke, He loved Smokey,like we all did...and used to cuddle up to him in his basket..Old Smoke was always kind to him, he was that kind of guy..we miss him so much even now.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Moses (The Youngest )

Thought we should introduce each of us, one at a time, starting with the young un...This is Moses (or as the Boss prefers to call him MoMo) he is 11 months old practically,..he's got a lot to learn, like most of them at his age !..He is a bit Bolshy..but she (The Boss)babies him too much, and he gets away with a lot of things..i even got told off on Tuesday for giving him a swipe, she didn't see him jump on me as i just walked past him 10 minutes before, rolling around the floor making so much noise..oh no, she only saw me swipe him, and I got told off, and he gets picked up cuddled..puff !!..he makes such a fuss when i do that and she's around..BUT if she's not there he goes at me like a tiger...but i dont mind..he's just growing up, sometimes it gets on my nerves...but i have to remember that Now Smokey isn't with us, I am the leader...i must have a serious chat with that boy...will post on that later, should be fun..as he is quite mouthy.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A few pics of the 4 of us.

Here we all are, a rogues Gallery.. The white one is Lady..dont let that innocent face fool you guys...she puts that on whenever Ma gets the camera out..butter wouldn't melt i call it..ten minutes later, when ma as gone out she is spitting and hissing at me like a banshee..she Loves the 'humans' but thinks she's too good for ua a lot of the time....still she is a female, the other old bird is Jacey..or J.C. as we call her, she is the tabby..shes 17 now so we give her a bit of respect..thats me in the Chair by the computer..( i got Lady to take that just after i'd written to you the other day).. the black fella is the 'young un'..Moses..he thinks he's the business at the moment..you know what these kids are like..he even tries to take me on sometimes...but i soon put him in his place.. then he goes and lies on the sofa sulking.....he's only 11 months..so i give him a bit of slack....he'll learn
I'll sort some pics out of our dear depated leader Smokey..what a guy he was, a gentle giant..but No cat in the neighbourhood got the better of him..he was a huge fella in his hey day..but he had a lot of buddies as well..they all used to sit on the shed roof with him for hours, sometimes there would be 6-7 up there with him.....J.C. Me and Lady miss him like mad..Moses was only a whipersnapper when he was here..but he taught me all i know..I loved that guy...talk latter buddy hope you like the pics....Bailey.
Wow i didn't think it would be this easy...Hi Guys
This is just a quick Hi to Milt and any other four legged beautiful, Mutt hating....CATS.....only felines ( and the occasional lucky to have us Carers)......to comment....mind i'm feeling a bit guilty about saying this, because as Jacey reminded me SOME dogs....(there goes that word i hate again !!) ....some dogs are pretty cool..(is this really me talking !!)..
She and Smokey ( he used to be our leader..but he died in January,... he was 20 years old..boy do i miss him.... he taught me so much.....what a guy he was. )
He lived with a Rottweiller..so did Jacey so they deserve big respect....but dogs can get on with us superior creatures..as long as they know their place of course.!!...i'll maybe put some pics of Rosie the Rottie in another post..she died last year..but was fairly old herself...but i give a wide berth to any other cannine..believe me buddies its the best way...well i'll sign off now..sort out some pics for this new blog..we can keep in touch without intrusion now Milt..pass the word around to any other wonderful creatures of the feline variety..Bailey & Moses ..lady & J.C. signing of for now....mmeeeooowww
She and Smokey ( he used to be our leader..but he died in January,... he was 20 years old..boy do i miss him.... he taught me so much.....what a guy he was. )
He lived with a Rottweiller..so did Jacey so they deserve big respect....but dogs can get on with us superior creatures..as long as they know their place of course.!!...i'll maybe put some pics of Rosie the Rottie in another post..she died last year..but was fairly old herself...but i give a wide berth to any other cannine..believe me buddies its the best way...well i'll sign off now..sort out some pics for this new blog..we can keep in touch without intrusion now Milt..pass the word around to any other wonderful creatures of the feline variety..Bailey & Moses ..lady & J.C. signing of for now....mmeeeooowww
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