Thought we should introduce each of us, one at a time, starting with the young un...This is Moses (or as the Boss prefers to call him MoMo) he is 11 months old practically,..he's got a lot to learn, like most of them at his age !..He is a bit Bolshy..but she (The Boss)babies him too much, and he gets away with a lot of things..i even got told off on Tuesday for giving him a swipe, she didn't see him jump on me as i just walked past him 10 minutes before, rolling around the floor making so much noise..oh no, she only saw me swipe him, and I got told off, and he gets picked up cuddled..puff !!..he makes such a fuss when i do that and she's around..BUT if she's not there he goes at me like a tiger...but i dont mind..he's just growing up, sometimes it gets on my nerves...but i have to remember that Now Smokey isn't with us, I am the leader...i must have a serious chat with that boy...will post on that later, should be fun..as he is quite mouthy.
Boys, sorry it's taken me so long to get here! Wow, how do all FOUR of you manage to divide your dinner? Bailey you are gorgeous!! And Moses, you're pretty cute too - lovely shiny coat and cheeky face. Well, now I know you guys are here I'll be popping in regularly.
Milt xxx
Hi Milt, buddy..glad you found us, we will keep in touch now..you must be SO astute Milt..recognizing the gorgeous one as Moi..Lady is proper miffed, she didn't even get a mention..Tehe..I LOVE it when she is ignored..she SO fancies herself !!..talk soon Milt Buddy,.. Bailey X